Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Loch Ness Monster free essay sample

Beast of the Lake Say you were fishing at on the Loch, and out of nowhere the water starts to move. A head and two humps start to emerge from the water Just to disappear. What would you do? What would you think? Would you have ever thought is it real or not? What do you think this mysterious creature could be? There are a lot of possibilities on what it is. For those of you who havent heard of Nessie, the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster is quite interesting. Nessie is named after the Lake, Loch Ness. But also the Loch means Lake in an old Gaelic language of Scotland. Its 23 miles long and about a ile wide. The first sighting of Nessie took place in 585 A. D. The most recent sighting was on June 6th, 2009. Nessie is about 16 feet long and has a head and a tail. There are a lot of theories about, if Nessie is real or not. So let me ask you do you think its real, fake, or is it Just an elaborate hoax? Most people do think that Nessie is real. A lot of people that go to the Loch have seen Nessie. It seems like the summers when its hot out Nessie is seen the most. It might Just be because of the warmness of the sun on its body that makes it want to come to the surface of the water. On June 7, 1974 monster hunter, Frank Serle approached a barbed wire fence near the beach front. He and a lady heard a splash. When they looked they both saw these things that were about two feet long, dark gray, fat bodies, long necks, small head with protruding eyes, and snake like tails. They both had two stumps looking like appendages on their bodies. Now if Nessie is real, is it possible that she or he had babies? If there are babies, doesnt there have to be a mom to raise them? To have babies a male and female have to of had intercourse, like all the other mammals have to. So is it really possible that there is more than Just one Loch Ness Monster living in the Lake? If there is, then its also possible that when people are seeing the Loch Ness Monster that its not the same one every time. If its not the same one every time, maybe when one goes down then another might come up. Then if so then it is actually possible that there is more than Just one. The Lake is big enough to have more than one. Now let me ask you a question from the possibilities that I have given you. Do you think that a Loch Ness Monster Family exist in the Loch? Here is another sighting or story of Nessie: On July 1930, three young men were fishing in a boat out on the lake. They were on the southern part of the lake. They then saw the water start to become disturbed from about 600 yards away. Then they saw a large creature start to come up from the water. The creature started to swim towards them but when it got within 300 yards of the boat it turned away. Now, to this story, I wonder is wouldnt Nessie be afraid to come that close. A lot of the stories you hear, people say as soon as Nessie sees them she immediately swims way or goes back beneath the water. Doesnt it seem a little bit like a lie? If Nessie is so afraid to come near people, then why did Nessie get close to these people? On a daily basis if people see it, Nessie is Just going to swim away. I dont see why Nessie would risk coming so close to this boat. Im on the side where I dont think the Loch Ness Monster is real at all. There are several ways and reasons that Nessie is Just a fake. It could be a hoax, prank, folklore, or Just a tall-tale. Could it Just a tree branch? Lets talk about the hoax and prank first. One prank most commonly found on the nternet is called The Surgeons Photograph. As it turns out this boy had a toy submarine, put a fake head on it, and someone took a picture. This was one of the best Nessie hoaxes until he confessed. I even have my own hoax or prank. Would it be possible to take some kind of wood and cut out a head and two humps, like the way Nessie looks? Then you could paint them black. Take a piece of pipe the width of your cut outs. Then on those pieces of pipe, put caps on both ends, but make sure there is no water in the pipe Just air. Take your cut outs of Nessie and attach them to the pipe. Take some rope and connect all three pieces together. Then go out and put it in the water. But you have to be beneath the surface so you don let people realize its fake. Let it sit for a couple minutes and bring the pieces under the water one by one. It might not work and it might. Then again this wouldnt work unless you made the pieces three-dimensional. If someone is standing somewhere where they can Just see that its fake. Then your not prank in anybody. So you would have to make your pieces three dimensional that way no matter where youre standing its going to look real. Nessie has been seen very early in time. Could it Just be folklore or a tall-tale? We all have met those people that when they tell a story they like to exaggerate the truth. Is this how the Loch Ness Monster came to be? When Nessie was first seen maybe it was Just a really big fish, but got away from the fishermen. Then he went back into town and said something like, l Just saw this monster down in the lake. It was 5 foot long and had these protruding eyes that Just looked at me. Now doesnt that sound a little too far fetched, if this is how Nessie started in the beginning. No telling how many people and how many times people have changed and over exaggerated the story. So this I could see happening but Nessie being real, I cant. It seems like the one that can be seen spiraling out of control. Is it possible that it could be a tree branch? Tree branches can be shaped with two humps and an end that comes up like a head. If it was a tree branch wouldnt it be too heavy to float? If it was too heavy it would Just sink, but it could float if it was on a high spot in the lake. Say youre looking at this thing in the water you dont know hat it is. You go to turn around and talk to someone, or look down to get your camera ready. Then you turn back around and look back where you saw the thing and its gone, it Just disappeared. You would be thinking Its real I Just saw it. But how do you really know that its real when you didnt see it move or anything. While you werent looking the water could have shifted and moved the tree branch to where it sinks in the water. You would never have known what happened all because you werent looking and doing something else. There probably were people that saw t and watched it until they saw the water move it and sink it. They would know that it was not real. In talking about all these stories and theories if the Loch Ness Monster is real or not, I still believe that the monster is Just a fake. There are Just too many contradictions. It you are undecided, my best suggestion would be to go over to Scotland yourselt and find out if its real or not. But you better be prepared for what some people will say to you. You will here statements like, you are lying, thats not real, its a fake, or you are Just saying that to get attention

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