Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Human Behaviour Psychology

According to Sigmund Freud, (1856-1939), human beings are just mechanical creatures, whom he views as prisoners of primitive instincts and powers, which we can barely control. He states that our purpose is to control these instincts and powers. Freud explained these concepts by comparing the human spirit to an iceberg. The visible part of the iceberg (spirit) is the conscious part, which consists of everything we know and remember and the thinking processes through which we function.The unconscious part is made up of everything we have ever learned or experienced, including that which has been â€Å"forgotten†. A part of these forgotten things are really gone, but the largest part of the unconscious has just been shut out, because it would be annoying to be consciously reminded of it.The influences of Helmholtz are also visible at other points. According to Freud, the material in the unconscious contains psychic energy. This psychic energy is constantly trying to get into the conscious part, while the conscious part keeps using energy to suppress undesirable discoveries. An expression of unknown powers is, for example, slips of the tongue. These expressions show that our unconscious was not strong enough to keep these powers outside the conscious part. Philosophers in the seventeenth and eighteenth century (like Descartes and Hobbes)  shared a mechanistic view.They thought that some of our actions are the result of internal or external forces, which are not under voluntary control. Hobbes, for example, claimed that underlying reasons for behavior are the avoidance of pain and the quest for pleasure. The extreme of the mechanistic view is the theory of instincts. An instinct is an innate biological force, which commands the organism to behave in a particular way.The main advocate of the instinct theory was the psychologist McDougall. He hypothesized that all thinking and behavior is the result of instincts, which are fixed from birth, but which can be a djusted by learning and experience. By changes and combinations of instincts he tried to explain the whole repertoire of human behavior. Human behavior psychology is one of the  theories of learning based upon the central idea that all human behaviors are attained through conditioning. This is also known as behaviorism. Conditioning happens through the interaction of human beings with the environment. According to human behavior psychology, human behavior can be studied in a systematic, methodical, recognizable and observable manner with no deliberation of internal mental states. Strengths of human behavior psychology/Behaviorism†¢Human behavior psychology is based upon observable and noticeable behaviors, thus easier to quantify, collect empirical data and information while conducting research.†¢Behavioral intervention, token economies, and discrete trial training are some of the effective remedial techniques which are all rooted intensively in human behavior psychology , also commonly known as behaviorism. These techniques are very helpful in changing maladaptive, detrimental or harmful behaviors in both children and adults. Criticisms of human behavior psychology/behaviorism†¢Many detractors point out that human behavior psychology or behaviorism is an exclusively one-dimensional approach to human behavior and thus such human behavioral theories do not account for free will and internal influences such as moods, thoughts, feelings, etc. †¢Behaviorism or human behavior psychology does not account for further types of learning, in particular learning that occurs lacking the use of reinforcements.Also individuals are able to adapt their human behavior when new information is brought in, even if a previous behavior pattern has been established over a period of time through reinforcement. Human behavior refers to the range of behaviors exhibited by humans and which are influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, ra pport, hypnosis, persuasion, coercion and/or genetics.The behavior of people (and other organisms or even mechanisms) falls within a range with some behavior being common, some unusual, some acceptable, and some outside acceptable limits. In sociology, behavior in general is characterised as having no meaning, being not directed at other people, and thus is the most basic human action. Behavior in this general sense should not be mistaken with social behavior, which is a more advanced action, as social behavior is behavior specifically  directed at other people.The acceptability of behavior depends heavily upon social norms and is regulated by various means of social control. Human behavior is studied by the specialised academic disciplines of psychiatry, psychology, social work, sociology, economics, and anthropology. Human behaviour is experienced throughout an individual’s entire lifetime. It includes the way they act based on different factors such as genetics, social n orms, core faith, and attitude. Behaviour is impacted by certain traits each individual has. The traits vary from person to person and can produce different actions or behaviour from each person.Social norms also impact behaviour. Due to the inherently conformist nature of human society in general, humans are pressurised into following certain rules and display certain behaviours in society, which conditions the way people behave. Different behaviours are deemed to be either acceptable or unacceptable in different societies and cultures. Core faith can be perceived through the religion and philosophy of that individual. It shapes the way a person thinks and this in turn results in different human behaviours.Attitude can be defined as â€Å"the degree to which the person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior in question.† One's attitude is essentially a reflexion of the behaviour he or she will portray in specific situations. Thus, human behavior is greatly influenced by the attitudes we use on a daily basis.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Look into Beauty and Femininity

Watching men in films and television advertisements shaving their hairs in their head, armpits and other parts of the body appears to be quite a familiar scene. It does not, in any literal or figurative sense, compel the viewer such as the common individual to rise up in arms and protest against it as it may produce a reason for the person to condemn whatever it is that disgraces the society. It all seems normal to think that these manly instances aired in the mass media brings no air of gloom or any hint of an untoward attitude against them.Quite on the contrary, it seems appalling to view women indecently exposing their hairs and shaving them off like men usually do especially in the broadcast media. Emotions tend to flare up and curse these instances as if it was something new. Indeed, the society's perception of these cases is something relatively new. Much of these have something to do with the way the society is setup throughout the ages—the patriarchal society has dicta ted the very definitions of what is acceptable from what is not in terms of gender preferences.To a certain extent, it does surprise me to be able to watch women parading their hairs right in front of the camera and shaving, pulling their excess hair—whichever way that suits them—as if it was a mandatory ritual needed to proclaim before the society how womanly they are with the way they trim their excess hairs. It is funny to think women behaving that way. But what is even more hilarious is the fact that all these times I thought women were feminine and are expected to keep themselves clean and hairless, so to speak, then here comes a bunch of men doing what women are expected to do.What do these tell us? These tell us that there is more than meets the eye. The feeling of being surprised indicates that someone experienced something quite bizarre, unusual, or even life-changing. At some point, much of these indicators will tell us that women have become the ‘laugh ing stock' or, at least, the basin of the lowliest sensibilities of mankind. This is not to say that women are indeed expected to be that way.Quite on the contrary, there is no reason to believe that women ought to be that way for the reason that gender should not exclude nor prevent one from freely exercising one's right to live one's life. Apart from the patriarchal setup the society has been placed into like a trap, the fainting presence of women in the past days have alluded to a grander and more indicting scenario—we have women cleaning themselves live in television advertisements and programs and we laugh at them, as if purifying one's self is a laughable mortal sin.This should not be the case. To my surprise, however, a certain level of intolerance permeates what has become the melting pot of gender roles—mass media. While mass media have broken ancient boundaries which isolate one man or woman from another, it has also widened the breach between what is reasona bly acceptable from what is not. There can be no fitting word other than confusion, I think, which best befits the attitude of one towards women merely sanitizing and maintaining their feminine image. What could be so wrong with that?Aren't we surprised to see men doing the same thing women are more expected to do? For social intolerance and patriarchy's sake, some reasons do come cheap. I wouldn't be surprised anymore to see women doing the same thing these days. I'd be surprised to see men cajoling themselves with scissors and wax in front of national television. It will be surprising, hilarious, and profane nonetheless. I have a feeling somewhere across the globe people are being surprised with what they see in the broadcast media.Laughing, perhaps, upon seeing a woman cleaning herself, these people shallowly half-realize an empty joke that is never to be found in a world of pure and sheer equality. But women will be women, and so will men be of their kind. Inequality looms in a world surprised to see human nature become as it is. Reference Saltzberg, Elayne A. , and Joan C. Chrisler. â€Å"Beauty Is the Beast: Psychological Effects of the Pursuit of the Perfect Female Body. † Women: A Feminist Perspective. Ed. Jo Freeman. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1995. 167-74.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Standard Chartered Bank Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Standard Chartered Bank - Research Paper Example In the year 1969 merger of 2 banks took place and institution of the Standard Chartered Group took place. The two banks which were merged were the Standard Bank of British which was founded in South Africa in the year 1863 and the Chartered bank which was in India, Australia and china established in 1853. Both the above mentioned companies were enthusiastic to take advantage of the vast development of trade. This gave an opportunity to earn good profits which could be derived from funding the motion of the European commodities to East and to Africa. James Wilson established this bank subsequent to the accord of a Royal Charter which was proclaimed in the year 1853 by Queen Victoria. The bank's first branches were opened at Bombay which is presently known as Mumbai. Branches at Calcutta and Shanghai were also instituted in the year 1858. This was later on followed by opening of branches in Hong Kong and Singapore in the year 1859. The different conventional business consisted of cotton from Mumbai, rice from Burma, Calcutta contributed tea and indigo, Java's contribution was sugar, Sumatra gave tobacco, Manila bestowed hemp and silk was taken from Yokohama. The bank had to play a key part in the growth of business deal with the East leading to the unfolding of the Suez Canal in the year 1869 and the prolongation of the telegraphy services to China in the year 1871. In the year 1957, Chartered Bank acquired the Eastern Bank and the Cyprus branches of the Ionian Bank's which led to a foundation of existence in the Gulf. 1.3 The Standard Bank: John Paterson instituted the Standard Bank in South Africa in the Province of the Cape during1862. The bank had a prominent business of funding the growth of the diamond fields at Kimberley since 1867. Later on the business was extended to the gold fields of Johannesburg. In the year1969, the Chartered and the Standard banks decided to go in for a gracious merger. But in the year 1986, an aggressive bid to acquire was attempted by 3 Lloyds Bank of UK. The proposal was thwarted and Standard Chartered moved into a period of transformation. The early period of the 1990s saw the Standard Chartered

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Applying People CMM to Your Organization-Part 2 Essay

Applying People CMM to Your Organization-Part 2 - Essay Example Each defined goal has peculiar practices that explain the activities anticipated to result in attainment of the goal. Toyota, for example, its specific aims of the project planning course involve setting up estimates, obtaining commitment to the plan, and developing a project plan. The exact practices associated with â€Å"establishing approximate† goals involves estimating the extent of the project, coming up with estimates of project characteristics, outlining the project life cycle, and establishing estimates of cost and effort. The process areas portray behavior that are exhibited at Toyota, practices are interpreted using in-depth understanding of the model, the Toyota’s organization, its business environment, and any other specific conditions considered. Generic goals refer to all Toyota’s process areas. Accomplishment from each goal in a process area shows whether the institutionalization and implementation of each process area is impressive, lasting, and repeatable. Each generic goal is linked to generic practices. Toyota’s generic goal is to â€Å"run a quantitatively managed process†; this is achieved through two generic practices, â€Å"stabilizing sub-process performance† and â€Å"establishing quality objectives.† Toyota’s capable process is outlined, practiced, documented, supported, controlled, maintained, validated, measured, and can be improved. Furthermore, the model allows both explanation (interpretation) and partial changes (modifications) needed to satisfy Toyota’s size and business objectives. People CMM at Toyota have been made in two representations, staged and continuous. These representations avail alternative way of process improvement. These representations have essential content that are identical, but are organized differently. The Toyota’s continuous representation foundation is based on ability within specific process area—the limits of anticipated results that can be obtained by applying a process.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

New Laws have Changed Criminal Investigators Over Time Assignment

New Laws have Changed Criminal Investigators Over Time - Assignment Example These new laws have in many ways improved conviction rates of those that are guilty while at the same time ensuring that those that those that are innocent are not unfairly charged. These laws have gone a long way in equipping law enforcement agencies and their officers with invaluable tools in their work. Introduction Just like any facet of life, criminal activities have also improved over the years, with many more of them utilizing the latest technologies and tools in the commission of crime. This has meant that the investigators of crime have also had to change their tack and keep up with the advances in the nature and types of criminal activities that offenders of the twenty first century engage in. Many advances have been made especially in the areas of investigation of terrorist activities as well as investigation of scenes of crime using DNA and other types of technologies not only to catch criminals but also to prevent those planning to commit crime from being successful whil e at the same time exonerating those who may be arrested using inaccurate, incomplete or illegal evidence. 1. The development of new laws has significantly changed the responsibilities and working of the criminal investigator over the past few years. ... he most significant change that the new laws have brought is the fact that the forensic field has now become a more scientific, more accountable and increasingly more accurate ensuring that the perpetrators or crime – and more specifically – the correct perpetrators of crime are presented in court and, even more importantly, significantly reducing the numbers of those brought to court unfairly due to insufficient evidence (American Civil Liberties Union, 2011). New laws have been made giving the law enforcement agencies more and more powers in the collection of electronic communication data such as mobile phone records, internet usage, instant messaging, making the collection of gathering evidence that would stand up in a court of law and ensure conviction of those charged with different crimes. A lot of these laws, such as those contained in the rather wordyUniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (more easily known as the Patriot Act) have made it easier for investigators to not only collect a lot of data on crimes committed but to, even more importantly, collect evidence that enables the them to prevent potential crimes from being committed (American Civil Liberties Union, 2011). Another set of laws that has also significantly changed the way criminal investigation takes place is the set of laws governing the collection, storage and analysis of DNA evidence. 2. DNA analysis has been hailed as the most significant criminal investigation development since the then revolutionary development of fingerprint technology. The use of DNA data and information has had a game changing impact on criminal investigation the world over and nowhere has this been more evident than in the United

Oxygen Cascade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Oxygen Cascade - Essay Example Any disease which affects oxygen supply and access at the cellular level therefore has potentially fatal consequences, even if the disorder is transient. Oxygen does not normally exist in nature by itself, but rather in mixture with other gases (Townsend, and Webster, 2000). Dalton's Law therefore comes in to play at all times, with each gas in a mixture exerting an independent partial pressure (Hopley, and Schalkwyk, 2006). Nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor are three common gases which generally accompany oxygen during crucial phases of respiration. Living cells may therefore be unable to access oxygen in a state of disease, even though the gas is available in the surroundings. Oxygen availability and demand for this substance are not steady at all times. Physical activity and other physiological processes, including those affected by disease, may cause oxygen demand to peak well over the average level. The partial pressure of oxygen, on the other hand, may fall off steeply, as at high altitudes. Changes in oxygen availability and demand do not necessarily move in tandem. High altitude sickness is a common example of oxygen demand peaking even as its partial pressure falls steeply. Disease may also affect the supply/demand balance of oxygen at the tissue or cellular levels. There is a complicated and inter-related delivery system for oxygen from the atmosphere external to a living being and the mitochondria in cells responsible for oxidative phosphorylation (Lewis, and Fitz-Henry, 2001). Any defect in a tissue, structure, or a system, involved in respiration, circulation, diffusion, or metabolism, can affect the ability to use oxygen for vital processes. This paper defines the series of partial pressures at which oxygen is available at various levels of a living system, and relates the processes involved in the procurement, gaseous exchange, transport, and use of oxygen, to states of disease. Steps in the Oxygen Cascade Most people live at or around sea level. The atmospheric pressure at this level is 760 mmHg and 20.94% of air at this altitude is oxygen (Neligan, 2002). Therefore, the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) at sea level is 159 mmHg. However, the PO2 at the level mitochondria in cells is as low as 3 mmHg (Neligan, 2002). Where have 156 mmHg gone The vast proportion of oxygen is either diluted or even lost altogether as it travels in to lungs and from the alveoli to blood in the circulatory system. The various stages by which the partial pressure of oxygen falls off are collectively known as the oxygen cascade. Life has evolved to deal with such colossal inefficiencies, and to maintain normal health at the same time. The transfer of oxygen from air to blood in the lungs, the transport of oxygen by blood to organs and to tissues, and the diffusion of oxygen from capillaries to individual cells and to the mitochondria inside them, all take place within specific ranges of partial pressures. H owever, the balances are delicate, and diseases and other may have serious effects on the oxygen cascade. All diseases which affect the structure and functioning of the lungs, or which affect the capacity of blood to transport oxygen, or which affect circulation of blood to the far reaches of the body, or which affect cellular organization, especially in terms of mitochondrial

Friday, July 26, 2019

Evaluate the effect of Technological change on the Business Case Study

Evaluate the effect of Technological change on the Business Environment of Sony - Case Study Example The present study would focus on the technological change and their effects on the business strategy of organizations. The choice of the topic assumes significance in the present business environment as most of the firms operating in the modern day business environment have been severely affected as a result of the fluctuations in the business environment that has emerged as a result of the recent economic and financial crisis. The organization selected for the study is Sony Electronics. The choice of the organization assumes significance considering the fact that Sony is a market leader across many consumer electronic markets of the world as is known for its excellence in innovation in its product lines. The firm is accredited with numerous innovations in the field of consumer electronics. Products like Sony Walkman have created a revolution in the world. About the Company Sony Corporation was established in the year 1946 at Tokyo, Japan with an initial start up capital of 190,000 Y en (Sony, 2011). The name of the company has been derived from the Latin word ‘Sonus’ which means sound. ... roximately 7,214,000 million Yen as of 2009.The product portfolio of the company consists of Audio, Video, Televisions, Communication and information devices, Semiconductors and various electronic components like batteries, recording systems etc (Sony-b, 2011). The business prospects of Sony Corporation are largely affected due to the fluctuations in the business environment of the firm. The aspect is more important considering the fact that the firm operates in different markets across the globe which have different consumer behaviour. In addition to varying tastes of consumers the firm also faces issues that are related to the macro environmental aspects like exchange rate fluctuations, economic and fiscal policies etc. Presence of competitors also affects the business prospects of the firm as it plays a major role in shaping the future framework of strategies for the organization. The effect of fluctuating business environment can be easily ascertained by analysing the revised bus iness and revenue forecasts (refer annexure 1) of the company for the year 2010. The global economic down turn has also played a major role in the revision of estimated forecasts. This aspect assumes significance since the sales of electronic products are largely linked to the disposable income of the consumers. The global recession has played a major role in the declination of disposable incomes of individuals which has played a major role in the declination of sales volume and profitability of business organizations like Sony Corporation. Exchange rate fluctuations have also led to considerable pressure on the strategists of the organizations to lower their expected revenue margins. In addition the price competition which has started as a result of dip in sales figure corresponding to the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Job Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Job Application - Essay Example Another means that I process requests are the correspondence between PCDUO’s and other Customer Service. The bulk of the correspondences are requests for processing claims and reviewing and or verifying of claims if processed correctly. The tasks also involve me having to write sent back letters to an inquisitor regarding balance billing, letter of credible coverage, or explaining to a provider why a claim is either denied correctly or paid correctly, and to submit an appeal if it’s an appealable denial. Be it a correspondence in STELLENT or PCDUO, I would carefully analyze each requests and cross reference it to the CHAMPVA policy manual and CSC/CPD desk procedures to determine whether to do a send back letter to the inquisitor, or to have the claim reprocessed. If a claim needs to be reprocessed, I would place the request through the â€Å"reprocessing worksheet† to inform CPD why the claim was denied, how much to pay the provider, whether to over ride timely f iling because evidence exist of timely submission, and give the specific instructions on how to reprocess the claim. My dedication to effective communication speaks well during my tenure since all my written correspondence, not once did I received a send back letter from a Supervisor or a â€Å"reprocessing worksheet† from CDP due to inaccurate or incomplete data. I always make sure that I check the policy manual and or CSC/CPD desk procedures and reference it to my correspondence to ensure efficacy and factualness of my judgment. Another example wherein I used my written communication skills to obtain needed information to respond to inquiries and provide information was when I was on active duty as a Guardsman in the Air Force. Being part of the chain of command, I would respond to daily inquiries through email from senior commanders and from junior personnel that involves critical matters pertaining to deployments,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Drive Me Real Crazy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drive Me Real Crazy - Essay Example It entices the mind to drive towards the desires of life. They entice the mind to break the rules and to seek adventure. Such adventure is fun and it yields ethereal and satisfying result. The promiscuity of the drunkard towards reckless acts is inevitable. It has engulfed the individual to a vortex of happiness that will be taken away in a few moments and replaced by nirvana: the everlasting happiness of death. O how I wish that humans learn to appreciate life. Yes, they do appreciate life. But are they spending it worthwhile? Or are they spending it sassy? Life is a commodity. It has a price to pay. There are risks and safety guidelines implemented to safeguard life. The sad thing is that they happily violate their very own lives. They drive their way to hell. Alcohol allures the individual. The allurement gives them a reason to try out death-enticing stunts. I hope it is death-defying. Practically speaking, driving under the enchantment of alcohol is death-defying. There is a desi re to drive along wildly. They defy death only to meet death. Now, that is really death-defying. They are digging up their own grave. The alcohol invokes the goodness of an individual. It makes them curse responsibly. They are real people; real fools. They hate the red light because they see that it is green. They are not colour blind; they are really blind. Even if they have four eyes to see things, they only recognize one thing when they drive under the influence of alcohol: journey to happiness. Such happiness is futile. It gives recourse that life is something worth wasting. They do not appreciate that life is a journey just like driving. Life’s possibilities are endless. However, the difference lies on how life ends when the spell of alcohol enters the mind. It enhances the consciousness. It invokes a deathly realization. It welcomes death. The bedazzling nature of alcohol gives drivers reason to defy. They accept the prescribed norms and initiates accordance to rules. T hey drive responsibly upon reaching their grave. It is too late for them to realize when they wake up inside their coffins; crying happily while reflecting their conditions. The question is, can they still reflect inside their graves or are they sleeping eternally? The question is obvious and the answer is very easy to find.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

DESCRIBE A RESTAURANT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DESCRIBE A RESTAURANT - Essay Example As is shown consistently by the Esquire Tavern, in order to succeed in hotel business, five values are principal and indispensible: harmonious coexistence with serene environment, hygiene, high value customer care and exemplary culinary skills. One of the factors that made me fall in irrevocable love with the Esquire Tavern is its close touch with serene environment. The perpetually popular restaurant is marooned in a tacky stretch of River Walk. Impeccably pruned trees and flowers, a large swimming pool and well kept lawn grace the restaurant’s surroundings. The aforementioned beautiful trees and flowers aerate the Esquire Tavern’s environment and gentle breeze help pleasantly soothe client’s sense of smell. The restaurant is located at least 400 meters from traffic, thereby guaranteeing clients serenity while rendering Esquire Tavern an oasis in the desert of the noise and the rough and tumble of the outside world. Inside the restaurant, the large swimming pool which is compartmentalized in its own yard easily complements the usefulness of the scorching high noon sun. The vastness of the Esquire Tavern provides customers with the power to choose between eating from the many spacious hotel rooms or from outside. Any client who has visited the Esquire Tavern will often testify of having been confused like a termite in a yo-yo when it comes to choosing a table. This is because, contrary to popular opinion that open air tables are more comfortable, the Esquire Tavern’s hotel rooms are equally appealing. Aesthetically stamped tin ceilings, an evocative wallpaper and 100ft-long wooden bar greet all clients who walk into the Esquire Tavern reception and hotel rooms (Trip Advisor, 1). In a closely related wavelength, the Esquire Tavern has constantly and consistently endeared itself to its customers by serving them with cuisine tasty enough to tickle anyone’s taste buds. At the Esquire Tavern, devilled eggs get studded with flowery pink peppercorns, while

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Territorial Dispute over Dokdo Essay Example for Free

The Territorial Dispute over Dokdo Essay Dokdo is also recognized as the Liancourt Rocks. It consists of two tiny rocky islets, which are encircled by 33 smaller rocks. The Dokdo islets are situated around 215 kilometers off the eastern border of Korea. The two Islets that make up Dokdo are known as Suhdo and Dongdo. The estimated entire surface area covered by Dokdo is 0. 186 square kilometers. Both rocks that make Dokdo, actually are the remains of a prehistoric volcanic hollow and are a asylum for Petrels and black-tailed gulls and more than a few partially prevalent plants. The Liancourt Rocks is known as Tokto in Korea and it is known as Takeshima in Japan. Sovereignty over the isles is contested between Japan and South Korea. South Korea has commanded Dokdo since July 1954. Both the Korean and Japanese names have altered from time to time. Both of the countries claim an extensive historical and geographical connection with the isles. With this claim, the question that emerges is that why it is so important that both the countries are fighting for the small islets. The name given to the Dokdo, i. e. Liancourt Rocks has come from the French whaling ship Liancourt, which represented the islets in 1849. The rationale behind this fighting is that both the countries have several concerns regarding the Dokdo’s surrounding waters and seabed including areas that may embrace some 600 million tons of natural gas. This gas hydrate can become the next period’s energy origin. In addition, seafood is also the imperative resource for both the countries. The Korean Japanese Claims Koreans claim that Dokdo is an constitutional dominion of Korea as it has been a part of Korean territory since 512 A. D. The first Japanese had written a record on Dokdo and the Records on observations in Onshu have been published in 1667, which admit the fact that Koreans have right over Dokdo. The Japanese declare that they had held Dokdo in the Japanese Empire in 1905. This act of Japanese was opposed by Koreans as they said that Japanese are taking advantage of Koreas political weakness vis-a-vis. Koreans rightfully argue for the Dokdo as at the time when Japan declared that they were containing Dokdo into their empire, Korea was not able to effectively protest the Japanese action because Japan had previously taken charge of the foreign matters of Korea by means of the Protectorate Treaty of 1905, which is also known as the Eulsa Treaty or the Second Japan-Korea Agreement. The confirmation of the treaty itself had been impelled on Korea by the Japanese commission, which shows that Japanese were wrong in their claim to Dokdo. All the history of Dokdo and both the countries’ claims represents the Korean side and also points out that the Japanese did not notify the Korean Government of their claim until 1906. In 1906, Korean officials at both confined and nationwide levels recognized the facts and documented the Japanese action as an encroachment of Korean sovereignty. On the other hand, due to the loss of their nation’s freedom and foreign matters potentiality, no action was taken by them. In 1947, the Japanese Foreign Ministry mentioned the U. S. occupation authorities regarding Japan’s assert to reign over both Ullung and Dokdo Island. Since then, throughout the peace treaty negotiations, Japan desired to decide U. S. notion pertaining to the island. The Japanese ministers refused Korea’s ownership on the bases that there was no existence of the Korean name on the island, which is quite wrong. Japanese also tried to regain the Dokdo during the negotiations of the peace treaty, but they were failed. Dokdo’s sovereignty was not decided by the peace treaty due to the weaknesses of the president of the Republic of Korea, who did not efficiently concentrated his government’s attending on the ownership of Dokdo over Korea’s territorial pertains. Government of Korea never daunted to allow for a scholarly study of the Korean historical record on Dokdo and due to this, it had faced an unresolved dispute from Japanese, whereas Japanese had undertaken an extensive study on the history of the island to which Japan had used as the basis for its claim regarding its sovereignty over Dokdo. Due to all these weaknesses of Korea, they are not able to prove records in their favor, but all these things do not matter as the truth is this that the Dokdo ownership truly lies in the hands of Koreans. References Dokdo History. (2007). Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://english. dokdohistory. com/dokdo-history/dokdo-administrative-district. html Dokdo or Takeshima. (2009, February). Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://www. boston. com/bigpicture/2009/02/dokdo_or_takeshima. html The Territorial Dispute over Dokdo. (2008). Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://www. junanworld. pe. kr/595 Lovmo, M. S. The Territorial Dispute over Dokdo. Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://www. geocities. com/mlovmo/page4. html A Brief Background of Dokdo Takeshima Island. Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://www. Dokdo: The Territorial Dispute between Japan and South Korea. Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://www. pages. drexel. edu/~tm76/politics. doc Dokdo East Sea. (2009). Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://www. korea. net/issues/issue_dokdo_eastsea. asp? from=dokdo_eastsea The Far East of the Korean Territory. (2004). Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://www. dokdocorea. com/ The History of Dokdo. (2007). Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://www. dokdocorea. com/report/history_dokdo. pdf Dokdo in the East Sea of Korea. (2005). Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://www.indymedia. org. uk/en/regions/london/2005/03/307419. html Disputes over Ullungdo and Tokdo at the End of the 17th Century. Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://www2. gol. com/users/hsmr/Content/East%20Asia/Korea/Dokto_Island/History/Shin_Yong-ha_3. html Japans Unfounded Territorial Claims about Dokdo Dispute. (2007). Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://english. dokdohistory. com/dokdo-history/dokdo-dispute. html Weinstein, M. (2006, May). South Korea-Japan Dokdo/Takeshima Dispute: Toward Confrontation. Japan Focus. Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://japanfocus.

Geomorphology of Kuwait Essay Example for Free

Geomorphology of Kuwait Essay Kuwait is a Arabic state, which lies in the North-West corner of the Persian Gulf between 28o and 30o latitudes and between 46o and 48o longitudes. It shares a border with Iraq on the North and with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. On the East it is washed by waters of Persian Gulf. It’s total area makes 17,820 square kilometers. The climate is dry desert with hot summers and cool winters. The terrain is flat with the lowest point of zero above the sea level and the highest point of 306 above the sea level (the location is unnamed). Most of the territory is a desert with only about 1% used as arable lands and for growing permanent crops. A great part of the territory is occupied by the city El-Kuwait – the country’s capital. Other major towns include Jahrah, Salmiya, Shuwaikh and Hawalli. Irrigated lands cover 130 square kilometers. Natural resources include petroleum, natural gas, fish and shrimp. The country suffers from lack of fresh water, so it possesses one of the world largest distillation facilities. Other geographic problems include sudden sandstorms, which usually happen between March and August and heavy rains which are usual for the period from October to April . Historical and Current Geology of Kuwait The country’s relief has been formed in the recent Quaternary geological era. The southern part of the country rests on a long, north-oriented dome of limestone laying beneath the surface. It is here where oil resources of Kuwait can be found. The western and northern parts of Kuwait rest on layers of sand, gravel, silt, and clay, covering limestone to the depth up to 210 meters. This layers of sediments have been formed by dried-up riverbeds called the wadis. The greatest of the wadis is Wadi al Batin – a broad and shallow valley forming the northern frontier of the country. Limestone geological formations, especially in the places where they lay close to surface, are principle suppliers of water for Kuwait. In 1960 a large aquifer has been discovered in the western portion of Ar Rawdatayn geological formation, which is now used for distilled water production, covering most of the country’s needs. On the south from the city of Kuwait another water field has been discovered in the top of the limestone of the Ash Shuaybah. The water here is salty, so it is used mostly for agricultural and commercial needs. Where waters come close to the surface, oases appears, enlivening the landscape of Kuwait . Basic Geomorphologic Terrains of Kuwait Mainland Most of the Kuwait’s land has no remarkable geomorphologic features like high mountains, rivers, ridges or depressions. A sandy desert of the country is mostly flat, gradually slopping to the sea. Some researchers point, that the land is not really a desert, but rather a semi-desert, because in winter there is a notable vegetation sufficient to support camel herds. However, for most of the year it is really sandy. This landscape is broken by the ridge at Jal Al-Zor – a series of low hills and shallow depressions. The highest point of the ridge is 145 meters above the sea level. The ridge is cut into two by Umm Al-Ramam Wadi. The southern part of Kuwait is flat with exception of Ahmadi hill (137 m) . In the centre of the country it’s coast bends forming the Gulf of Kuwait, where the capital of the country lays. The sheltered waters of the bay create a number of salty marshes, lagoons, and mud flats. In the center of the gulf lays a small Umm an Namil Island. About 40 kilometers to the south from El-Kuwait lays 120 meters high Al-Adan ridge, a series of heights similar to Jal Al-Zor . Another remarkable geomorphologic terrain in southern Kuwait Sabkha deposits – a number of irregular closed lowland areas. Two different types of Sabkhas are recognized: costal sabkhas and inland sabkhas. The costal ones are situated mostly in the Al-Jailaiaha and Al-Khiran areas, being extended along a costal depression. Inland sabkhas are situated in the desert areas of Al-Maqwa, Urafjan, and Al-Gurain. On the Kuwait’s west. Both types of sabkhas are subjected to changes after sandstorms. They may be entirely filled with sand an disappears, and new sabkhas may appear. Based on the study of sands and presence of bones fragments in most of the sabkhas, it has been concluded, that most of the sediments in the sabkhas come from Al-Dibdibbah deposits from the Arabian Shield igneous and metamorphic rocks . Coastal Area The coast of Kuwait is divided into nine geomorphological potions, out of which four are lie along the northern muddy shoreline and five in the southern sandy area. The northern part includes large portions of bays, which are filled with water during high tides and for most of the time they are areas of muddy ground. They are limited by costal sabkhas or sandy drifts. Intertidal channels form sandbars near the waterlines . In contrast to this, the southern portion of the coat is characterized by steep sandy beaches, narrowed by wide rocky intertidal platforms, covered with sand and other sediments. In many places those rocky surfaces are dissected by intertidal channels and shallow gulleys. The low water line is marked by numerous sandbars. Sometimes they are formed in berms by waves . Costal Islands Kuwait’s territory includes eight major islands and a number of minor ones, situated in the northern and southern part of the country respectively. Along the southern part of Kuwait coast five minor islands are situated: Miskan, Awhah, Kubbar, Qaruh, and Umm Al-Maradem and one bigger island Faylakah, which is the only inhabited island of all. The islands are subjected to variable tiding conditions and winds and this preconditions their roundish shapes. The northern islands of Miskan and Awhah rest on a shallow platform which is a part of a larger Faylakah Island structure. The three southern islands rest on separate platform each which is most possibly of reef origin. Beach sediments of the islands consist of sand and biologic measures, which makes them similar to the shores of Kuwait mainland . The Faykalah island is situated 20 kilometers away from the coast near El-Kuwait and has quite a different ecosystem in comparison to the mainland. It is used mostly as a recreational zone because the Iraqi have depopulated the island during the invasion in 1991, so there are only few local residents living there. 16 kilometers south-east of Faykalah lays the Auhah Island, which is 800 meters long by 540 meters wide and uninhabited except for a lighthouse. 29 kilometers off of the coast of Faykalah the Kubbar Island is situated. It is almost round in form and has flat sandy surface. Separately stands a large island of Bubiyan, which, under it’s geomorphological conditions, is very much similar to Kuwait northern mainland It is separated by Khawr Abd Allah channel on the northeast and Khawr as Sabiyah channel on the north. The latter channel also separates it from Warbah Island, which is 15 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide and lays only a hundred meters away from the mainland. The surface of the island is a muddy flat. The Bubiyan is connected with the mainland by a concrete bridge, which is, however, for military use only. The terrain of the island is similar to the one of the northern Kuwait mainland. It is a flat desert and semi-desert area with shores being sandy or muddy. No remarkable depressions or heights exist on the island. Between Bubiyan and Faykalah lays the Miskan Island, which is uninhabited save for a lighthouse, but it is vital for the country as part of it’s defensive frontier. Other islands include Umm al Maradim which lays between Kuwait and UAE territorial waters. It is 1,5 kilometers long and 540 meters wide and is known for deep waters around it, which allow ships to safely anchor. 17 kilometers away from this island is Qaruh Island, which received it’s name after Qar – an Arabic name for petroleum sediments, great amounts of which can be found on the island. It is the smallest and the most remote island of Kuwait which is only 275 meters long and 175 meters wide. Works Cited: 1. 2007 CIA WORLD FACTBOOK. Kuwait (CD-ROM), Progressive Management, 20062. Francesca Davis Dipiazza. Kuwait in Pictures, Twenty-First Century Books, 2006 3. A. Al-Hurban , and I. Gharib, Geomorphological and sedimentological characteristics of coastal and inland sabkhas, Southern Kuwait, Journal of Arid Environments Volume 58, Issue 1, July 2004, Pages 59-85 4. Mohamed I. El-Sayed and Dhia Al-Bakri, Geomorphology and sedimentary/biosedimentary structures of the intertidal environment along the coast of Kuwait, north-western Arabian Gulf. International Journal of Earth Sciences. Volume 83, Number 2 / July, 1994

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Annotated Bibliography: Fast Dissolving Tablets Research

Annotated Bibliography: Fast Dissolving Tablets Research 3. LITERATURE REVIEW M. Geetha et al. (2015) had prepared fast dissolving tablet of anti-asthmatic drug terbutaline sulphate using direct compression method. Study was related to compare natural super disintegrating agent plantago ovate husk powder with synthetic superdisintegrant crospovidone. They concluded that natural super disintegrant showed better disintegration, dissolution, fast onset of action and it is also cheap easily available, non-toxic. Accelarated stability study was also performed which also showed positive results.[13] Muhammad Talha Usmani et al. (2015) had prepared orally disintegrating tablet of Montelukast sodium by two different formulations using cost effective direct compression method. They have used cherry flavor and aspartame as sweetener. Formulations were evaluated for its performances and obtained better formulation which were subjected for further study by central composite design.[14] Balagani Pavan Kumar et al (2015) had prepared Nizatidine dissolving tablet. Taste masking is done by eudragit E100 using solid dispersion method and tablets were prepared by spray drying and solvent evaporation technique. Tablets were prepared using crospovidone, soy polysaccharide in three different concentrations and evaluate for disintegration time, drug release and taste masking.[15] Vivek Dave et al (2015) had prepared rapidly dissolving tablets and which give quick onset of action to overcome poor patient compliance associated with conventional tablets tablets were evaluated for disintegration time, wetting time, dissolution rate and taste masking. Hence, it lead to improve bioavailability of drug and efficacy.[16] Pradip Solanki et al (2015) had prepared mouth dissolving tablet to treat schizophrenia with clozapine as active agent. Solubility was tested in all complexes of cyclodextrin from which HP ÃŽ ²-CD showed maximum solubility. Trial batches were carried out for Screening of diluents and superdisintegrant. 32 factorial design was used to optimize formulation. The optimize formulation is evaluated for its disintegrstion rate, drug content, drug release, wetting time.[17] Bhavani et al (2015) had prepared rapidly disintegrating tablet to improve patient compliance who have difficulty to swallow the tablets and hard gelatin capsules. MDTs have enhanced safety and improve patient compliance. Mouth dissolving tablet are beneficial for many patients like psychics, geriatric, paediatric, unconscious and bed-ridden patients who have difficulty for swallowing tablets and capsules.[18] Nagar Praveen Kumar et al. (2014) had prepared fast dissolving tablet of piroxicam using three different superdisintegrants. They had prepared 9 batches of natural super disintegrant that is guar gum, isapghula and fenugreek by changing 3 concentrations. For preparation of tablets they used direct compression method. The powder blend and final tablets were evaluated for flow property and release optimization. Accordinhg to their results F4 batch is optimized and that have shown 99.18% of drug release.[19] Anisree. G. S et al. (2014) had developed Levocetrizine hydrochloride mouth dissolving tablet. Drug and excipients were mixed and tablets were formulated using direct compression method. Drug-excipient study was carried out by IR spectra. They had concluded that the formulation having MCC and crospovidone have optimum drug release.[20] Pratibha et al. (2014) had prepared fast disintegrating tablet by using Metoclopramide hydrochloride as active agent to overcome swallowing problems. Prepared tablets by direct compression method. Compatibility were done by FTIR and DSC. Selection and Optimization of superdisintegrant was also done by evaluation of prepared tablets.[21] Taksande JB et al (2014) had developed fast dissolving tablet of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Drug Lornoxicam with synthetic and natural superdisintegrant using direct compression method. Banana powder and soy polysaccharide were used as natural superdisintegrant and crospovidone was used as synthetic super disintegrant. They have concluded that natural superdisintegrants showed more disintegration as compared to synthetic agents and can be used instead of Synthetic materials.[22] Deepak Sharma et al (2014) had prepared Cetirizine Hydrochloride fast disintegrating tablet. They have used different binders and disintegrants and their different concentrations in present study. They have optimized sodium starch glycolate as super disintegrant. Direct compression is used for tablet preparation. The optimized formulation is evaluated for drug release, compatibility study, accelerated stability study and concluded that the prepared formulation have quick onset of action and increases patient compliance.[23] Geetha lakshmi et al. (2014) had prepared fast dissolving tablets using different superdisintegrants and its different concentration. Interaction is checked by FTIR spectroscopy. The tablets were prepared and evaluated. From the prepared 9 batches they have optimized F6 as best formulation which disintegrated in 12 sec and released drug in 6 min up to 99.46%.24] Alpana P. Kulkarni et al (2014) had prepared orally disintegrating tablet of Rizatriptan benzoate and also masked its taste. Taste masking of drug was carried out by mass extrusion with eudragit EPO and aminoalkylmethacrylate copolymer with different ratio. The formulation was optimized based on drug polymer interaction and bitterness score. Taste maskin was checke by in vitro release of drug in salivary fluid.[25] Lovleen Kaur et al (2014) had prepared Aceclofenac fast dissolving tablets by direct compression method. Lepidium sativum mucilage was selected as natural superdisintegrant and Different concentrations were also used. A 32 factorial design was applied to optimize the formulation. Nine batches (D1–D9) were formulated accordingly. Two independent variables were selected and their effect on three dependent variables were studied.[26] Rajeshree. et al (2012) had prepared Lisinopril fast dissolving tablets using natural superdisintegrants by direct compression method. Aloe Vera and mucilage of Hibiscus rosasinensis were used as natural superdisintegrants. Compatibility was studied by FTIR spectroscopy between the drug and excipients. The formulation was evaluated for in vitro drug release. Formulation containing Hibiscus rosasinensis was found to be optimized formulation which contain disintegration in 0.26 sec. [2] Murthy. et al (2012) had developed Lisinopril fast dissolving tablets using super disintegrants in different concentration by direct compression method. Superdisintegrants such as croscarmellose, crospovidone, sodium starch glycolate were used. All formulations contain various proportion of drug and excipients from them crospovidone showed better drug release then other formulations.[3] Patel. et al (2011) had formulated nimesulide fast dissolving tablet using natural superdisintegrant lepidium sativum which is widely used as herbal medicine. Mucilage was added as disintegrating agent. They have concluded that mucilage had reduced the disintegration time. The formulation also contain mannitol to increase solubility of mucilage.[4] Saini. et al (2011) had developed mouth dissolving tablet of anti- allergic drug Levocetirizine dihydrocloride. Tablets were prepared by using cost effective direct compression method and crospovidone was used as superdisintegrant. Different concentration were taken and they have concluded that as concentration of crospovidone increases disintegration time also increases.[5] Mayank. et al (2011) had formulated Lorazepam fast dissolving tablet. Method was the same direct compression. Tablets were evaluated for disintegration time, drug release, wetting time and also compared with marketed formulation. They have concluded that the prepared tablet showed better release profile than marketed formulation. Formulation containing 12% of Croscarmellose sodium showed disintegration in 33sec and showed 95.99% drug release within 10min.[6] Rahul Nair et al (2011) had prepared polymorphs of Rizatriptan benzoate by solvent evaporation method. They have used many solvents like tween 80, PEG, Polyvinyl pyrrolidine, methanol. Four different polymorphs were prepared and evaluated by Dissolution study, differential scanning calorimetry, infra-red absorption spectrum, scanning electron microscopy. They observed change in melting point of form I and form II with compare to original drug. Final conclusion was that polymorphs prepared by tween 80 showed better drug release than other forms.[27] Rahul Nair et al (2011) had developed solid lipid nanoparticles of Rizatriptan. Solid lipid nanoparticles were prepared by modified solvent Injection method. Characterization were carried out for shape, particle size, surface morphology and drug entrapment. They observed spherical shape, with particle size of 141.1-185.7 nm and smooth surface. The prepared particles showed sustained release of drug.[28] Raghavendra Rao. et al (2010) had developed fast dissolving tablet of chlorthalidone which have low dissolution rate by different techniques to improve its dissolution rate. From that they have showed the sublimation as best technique in which they had used 40% of camphor increases dissolution rate of drug. [7] Shailesh. et al (2010) had prepared promethazine thiolate fast dissolving tablet using sodium starch glycolate, ac-di-sol and crospovidone as a super disintegrating agents. Tablets were prepared by direct compression method and evaluated for post compression parameters. They have concluded that tablets containing ac-di-sol have better drug release and in vitro dispersion time. [8] Raghavendra Rao. et al (2010) had developed fast dissolving tablet of Carbamazepine by using solid dispersion technique. They have used different concentration of super disintegrating agent that is croscarmellose sodium and studied effect of various carriers. From the study they have concluded that formulation having mannitol as a diluent showed disintegration in 12-18 seconds.[9] Shirsand. et al (2010) had formulated and evaluated fast dissolving tablet by using latest solvent evaporation technique. Sodium starch glycolate and Crospovidone was being used as novel co-processed super disintegrating agents. They have concluded that formulation having 4% w/w of crospovidone was the optimized batch.[9] Keny RV et al. (2010) had formulated Rizatriptan benzoate fast dissolving tablet for intended benefit. Direct compression was used to prepare tablets. Crospovidone was used as super disintegrant. Tablets were evaluated for all pre compression and post compression parameters. Assay was performed by high performance liquid chromatography.[18] Gudas GK et al. (2010) had developed chlorpromazine fast dissolving tablet. The tablets were prepared by using croscarmellose sodium, sodium starch glycolate, L-HPC, crospovidone, pre-gelatinised starch by using direct compression. Blend was evaluated for flow property and tablets were characterized for its thickness, hardness, disintegration and dissolution.[12] Randale SA et al. (2010) had developed taste masked rapid disintegrating tablet of metoclopramide. Taste masking was done by the extrusion-precipitation method by complexing drug with Eudragit in different ratio. All formulations of drug polymer complex was characterized for in vitro taste in simulated salivary fluid and drug content. Final conclusion was that the batch having drug polymer ratio 1:2 was optimized for taste as well as for drug release.[11] Khemariya P et al. (2010) had developed meloxicam mouth dissolving tablet using sublimation technology. The tablets were formulated by wet granulation method. The tablets were characterized for all post compression parameters e.g. friability, hardness, wetting time and disintegration time. They have concluded that tablets prepared from sublimation of camphor were found better than tablet prepared by exposing to vacuum.[15] Bhardwaj S et al. (2010) had prepared accelofenac fast disintirating tablets. Tablets were prepared by direct compression technique using sodium starch glycolate as super disintegrant. All post compression parameters were tested for its performance. All the batches showed disintegration time within 28 sec.[16] El-Massik MA et al. (2010) had developed meclizine orally disintegrating tablets by using a maltodextrin. Tablets were prepared by direct compression as well as wet granulation method. Effect of concentration of maltodextrin was characterized by tablet’s disintegration time and hardness. They have concluded that maltrodextrin up to certain level produces increase in disintegration but then after decreases.[17] Rajalakshmi G et al. (2010) had prepared pheniramine maleate orodispersible tablets. The tablets were formulated by direct compression method. sodium starch glycolate, croscarmellose sodium, low hydroxylpropyl cellulose, pre-gelatinized starch and crospovidone were used as superdisintegrants in different ratios. The blends were characterized for pre-compression parameters. Tablets were characterized for post-compression parameters.[19] Zade. et al (2009) had formulated Tizanidine Hydrochloride tablet and also prepared taste masked granules of drug using eudragit E 100 to make the tablet with no bitter taste. For preparation of taste masked granules mass extrusion technique was used. Tablet were prepared by synthetic disintegrants. The final coclusion was that tablets prepared by using superdisintegrants were better than prepared by sublimation method. [8] Mahamuni SB et al (2009) had developed fast dissolving tablet of Promethazine HCl, which can radily disintegrate in the saliva. Taste-masked granules were prepared to mask bitter taste of drug. The taste masked granules were formulated by Eudragit E-100 using extrusion method. Tablets were formulated using taste-masked granules with other excipients like microcrystalline cellulose and starch.[13] Shirsand SB et al (2009) had prepared prochlorperazine maleate fast disintegrating tablets using direct compression method. One natural superdisintegrant Mucilage of plantago ovata and one synthetic superdisintegrant crospovidone were used with microcrystalline cellulose and mannitol to give sweet mouth feel. The prepared formulations were evaluated friability, wetting time, water absorption ratio, drug content uniformity, and in vitro dispersion time. Batch containing 8% w/w of plantago ovata mucilage was optimized from the data.[14] Kalia A et al. (2009) had designed oxcabazepine mouth dissolving tablets. Tablets were prepared using two different methods, direct compression and solid dispersion. Direct compression was used by crospovidone as a super disintegrating agent and aspartame sweetener. Solid dispersions of drug were carried out with PVP K-30 and PEG 6000 in different concentration ratios to increase its solubility. They concluded that solid dispersions with drug: carrier in ratio of 1:2 showed maximum drug release. From the comparison of two technologies solid dispersion was found better and gives satisfactory and reproducible results.[20] Swamy PV et al. (2009) had developed pheniramine maleate orodispersible tablets using effervescent method.tablets were prepared by using sodium starch glycolate, crospovidone, pregelatinized starch and croscarmellose sodium with sodium bicarbonate and tartaric acid. Prepared tablets were evaluated for all post-compression parameters. The final conclusion was that the formulation having 4% crospovidone mixed with tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate was best.[21] Devireddy SR et al. (2009) had designed levocetirizine dihydrochloride orally disintegrating tablets of using synthetic superdisintegrants (sodium starch glycollate, croscarmellose sodium, and crospovidone) and mannitol as a diluent. Taste masking was done by poly kyron T-134, Indion-204 and Tulsion-335 ion exchange resins. The drug- resin complex was formulated using the kneading method. By varying the concentration of ion-exchange resine and superdisintegrant using wet granulation method by PVP k-30 used as binder. The tablets were evaluated for disintegration time and degree of taste masked.[22] Okuda Y et al. (2009) had developed new preparation method for orally disintegrating tablet that has high hardness and less disintegration time. For that they have prepared rapid disintegrating granules using mannitol or lactose, saccharide was spray coated with corn starch suspension in fluidized-bed granulator. Crospovidone or hydroxypropyl starch was included in suspension as additional superdisintegrants. The prepared granules have large surface area, micro pore and low particle size distribution. Tablets prepared using this granules increased hardness and increased disintegration time by decreasing plastic deformation.[23] Singh J and Singh R. (2009) had developed meloxicam orodispersible tablets and optimized the formulation using a 22 factorial design for enhanced bioavailability. Tablets were prepared by wet granulation method having non-aqueous solvent. Crospovidone was used as superdisintegrant and mannitol as diluent as well as taste masking agent. Four batches were carried out to investigate optimum concentration of crospovidone and mannitol.[26] Giri TK et al (2009) had designed diazepam rapidly disintegrating tablets. The tablets were formulated by the wet granulation method. Bitter taste of drug was masked by solid dispersion using PEG-4000 and/or PEG-6000. Tablets were prepared using different concentration of PEGs. A 32 factorial design was applied to optimise the formulation and to decrease experimental run. They have concluded that the tablets prepared by PEG-4000 in lowest concentration was disintegrated within 33 sec and drug release was found 85% within 12 mints.[24]

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Reigning In Hermits: The Conflict Between Individualism and Participation :: Essays Papers

Reigning In Hermits: The Conflict Between Individualism and Participation In the wake of Enlightenment thinkers like Hobbes and Locke, who asserted the primacy of the individual as the possessor of rights and emphasized the resulting legal equality of all men, the question arose of how an individual who originates in a state of nature interacts with society. Early 19th Century writers had an advantage in answering this question over the original thinkers in the form of a grand experiment in Enlightenment theory currently being conducted in America. Here, for the first time, was a democracy run by consent of the governed, all of whom were equal individuals before the law and, according to the dominant religious tradition, before God. The more thorough this leveling, Alexis de Tocqueville argued in Democracy in America, â€Å"the less [men] are inclined to believe blindly in any man or any class†¦all having the same means of knowledge, truth will be found on the side of the majority† (Tocqueville, 435). At the same time that the power of self-sty led authorities fades in both public and religious life and people are more apt to simply tow the line, he sees the ties that once created interdependence in aristocracies—economic dependency and social hierarchy—weaken, resulting in the isolation of the individual from public life, or, â€Å"individualism† (Tocqueville, 506-7). Tocqueville’s apprehension towards individualism was not merely a passing worry—he saw in its extreme form the potential for despotism to replace democracy. â€Å"Despotism, by its very nature suspicious, sees isolation of men as the best guarantee of its own permanence† (Tocqueville, 509). This tension between personal isolation and participation in civic life surfaced in other contemporary works as well, including Charles Finney’s â€Å"Lectures on Revival of Religion† and Ralph Emerson’s â€Å"On Self Reliance,† in which the former argued in a vein similar to Tocqueville’s that the nature of democracy will always create this conflict, and the latter disposed of democracy in favor of the individual. Tocqueville’s own reconciliation of the individual’s natural inclination toward isolation is found in his analysis of the nature of knowledge in democratic societies. On a purely practical political level, there must, he argued, be certain beliefs held in common by all citizens in order for common action to be taken to administer government (Tocqueville, 433). Local government is the individual’s closest connection to the public sphere, and the same selfish impulse that leads to individualism will make it necessary for him to form political associations to secure his interests.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Motication for Premiditated Murder Essay -- Literacy Analysis, Edgar A

â€Å"The transformation of a psychological obsession into an aesthetic principal earned Poe his reputation as a principle innovator of the 19th century short fiction† (May). Edgar Allen Poe’s gruesome style of writing used connects him, and raises the social issue of motivation for murder within our jury trials. This is a widespread process of figuring out within a case in every country across the world. Motivation can be explained as the general desire to do something. â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†, by Edgar Allen Poe deals with murder based on assumption of insanity. â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†, also by Edgar Allen Poe, deals with murder based on revenge. In today’s society, the reasons for premeditated murder are wildly ranged and can be put into different categories. The initiative of premeditated homicide made in these two stories brings retribution and insanity as the motivation of defense for murders in our society. â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†, is about a young man that kills an old gentleman, mutilates him, and hides the pieces in the floor board because of the old man’s eyes. This young man would watch the old man sleep night after night, waiting for the right time to strike. At the end of the story when he admits to killing the man, he pleads that his motive was not based on insanity. Although the young man pleads sane, the reader would determine him as insane. In today’s society many people plead Insanity Defense of Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity. This is a common reason for motive when people can’t tell right from wrong. According to Zachary D. Torry and Stephen B. Billoick, a clinical professor and chief resident both in the department of psychiatry, this type of defense has puzzled legal and mental health professional for centurie... ...s On File News Services, 17 Feb. 2009. Web. 28 Nov. 2011 May, Charles E. "The Tell-Tale Heart: Overview." Reference Guide to Short Fiction. Ed. Noelle Watson. Detroit: St. James Press, 1994. Literature Resource Center. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. Samuels, Anthony O'Drscoll, Colmà ¡n Allnutt, Stephen. "When Killing Isn't Murder: Psychiatric And Psychological Defences To Murder When The Insanity Defence Is Not Applicable." Australasian Psychiatry 15.6 (2007): 474-479. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. Web. 21 Nov. 2011. Stoner, Andrew E. Notorious 92: Indiana's Most Heinous Murders in All 92 Counties. Indiana: Rooftop Publishing, 2007. Print. Torry, Zachary D. Billick, Stephen B. "Overlapping Universe: Understanding Legal Insanity And Psychosis." Psychiatric Quarterly 81.3 (2010): 253-262. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. Web. 21 Nov. 2011.

The Six Day War Essay -- Military History

The Six Day War Introduction History records the 1967 Arab-Israeli War (Six-Day War) as one of the most memorable on record. Israeli forces delivered a stunning defeat to a coalition of Arab forces that greatly outnumbered the much smaller Israeli force. Victory was made possible by the initial aerial attack launched by Israeli Air Forces. The elements of surprise, stealth, Operational Security (OPSEC), precision planning and flawless execution were essential to victory. The opening aerial offensive has been called â€Å"one of the most stunning successes in modern warfare† . This case study will review the history, preparation, execution, and lessons learned of this conflict. There is much profit for those who will study this war and consider the essential elements that made the impossible- possible. History The United Nations General Assembly voted for the establishment of an Israeli independent state on 29 November 1947. Independence was claimed on May 14th, 1948. Immediately, Arab nations were hostile towards the presence of a Jewish state. No peace was to be enjoyed. Arab legions surrounded Israeli camps and brutally attacked and slaughtered, even civilians. Uneasy relations continued and sporadic wars were to be required in order to preserve the Jewish state. In 1967, tensions were boiling; as another war was on the horizon. While the Jewish state was far out-numbered and surrounded by foes, the Jewish people were inspired to fight for their very survival. President Gamal Abdel Nasser, of Egypt, delivered unsettling, warmongering speeches that only served to further inspire the Israelis to fight with passion. â€Å"The Israelis had a courage and patriotism that made them try harder and more unselfishly† . The... design, which proved to be a detriment as they could easily be made unusable by a single bomb strike at the intersecting runways . In addition, nations invested in advanced technology, seeking better early warning radar systems. References Tucker, Spencer C., Battles that Changed History: An Encyclopedia of World Conflict, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2011 Weller, Jae, Israeli Armor: Lessons From the Six-Day War, Military Review Vol.51, No.11, Nov 1971 Rabinovich, Abraham, First Strike, The Quarterly Journal of Military History, Vol.2, No.3, Spring 1990 In Search of Peace: Part One 1948-1967. DVD. Moriah Films, 1997 Against All Odds: Six-Day War & Raid on Entebbe. DVD. A&E Television Networks, 1996 Dogfights: No Room for Error. DVD. A&E Television Networks, 2007 Dogfights: The Complete Season One, Volume Four. DVD. A&E Television Networks, 2006

Thursday, July 18, 2019

“Red” by Ted Hughes Essay

‘Red’ is a final collection by Ted Hughes in 1998 before he died. It has also engages the final death of Slyvia Plath in this piece of poetry. Ted Hughes has used ‘Red’ and ‘blue’ to describe Plath’s view of life and character from the day they got married and lived in their house. In the beginning of Red, it has defines Plath’s favourite colour that seems to wrap her entire life and movement. In line 4, ‘blood-red’ may have constitute a certain image caused in life that can be related to violence or conflict inferred to Plath. Life and death signifies nothing important for her to continue life and seems to live in remembrance in her deceased family members in line 7. In the second part of the poem, Ted and Slyvia had married and she had stepped into the life of her husband. In line 2, ‘Our room was red. A judgement chamber’ refers to how deeply in love Slyvia was to the colour that mades Ted shivers upon thinking of jurys. Everything was red from the ceiling to floor, the settings of their room was like a throbbing cell in line 9 which set his heart pounding. The only colour that can escaped from Slyvia were the bookshelves which can represent a glimpse of hope and meaning to the both of them. In line 1 to 3 of ‘Red’ third portion, it tells us how Ted tried to runaway from the blood chamber by looking out to the windows but to no avail. He could not help himself from not thinking of his wife’s saddening and crimson red image. He describes his feeling like blood tossing from a wound in line 5 that eventually will lead to a sense of impending doom (line 7). In the fourth paragraph, it tells readers how Ted finds his wife’s clothing and sensual lips which spells blood and rawness. ‘A swathe of blood’ that envelopes or enfolds a hidden blood (line 1). In line 2 to 4, the way Slyvia revelled the lavish, generous red burgundy gives an imaginary picture of she was painting the town in red too. Once again, he feels the blood shimmer from the gash (line 7). From the fifth part of the poem, it depicts the gleam of hope has been  splashed with blood too. In this part, those roses refer to the colour ‘red’. Slyvia began to lose herself deeper into the helpless world of her own with occasion of optimism. Lastly, ‘Blue was better for you. Blue has wings’ express the kind of life Ted prefers his wife to be. The only times where she liked ‘blue’ was when she was pregnant. He really liked her to be like an angel or guardian in the sky as the colour of blue sky. But Slyvia Plath chose to lose herself, lost her soul in the pit of red. Ted Hughes feels guilty and remorseful of her death although he may not be the entire cause of her suicide. He uses poem to convey his feelings to the readers and to Slyvia Plath.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Online retailing or E-tailing (Electronic retailing)

On patronage sell or E-tailing (Electronic retailing) or range merchandising are now gaining in horrible awareness by the businesses and the customers at large. This construct is normally termed as a B2C (business to consumer) transaction. in that respect harbor been many categories or bring, which corporeal adopt in order to administer and reach its target customers.But involving and interfering with communication melodic phrases of a phoner having a multi- distribution channel statistical distribution system poses a great challenge. Online selling could be done in approximately(prenominal) categories. The prominent of which are ? pure riffle where in the firms sell their total intersection points on the web based domain dummy or the virtual space. ? Click and Brick They are the business which use both online and offline channel structure.Brick and Mortar firms, which sell their entire product, line by using a physiological space system. Each of these channels hold up their respective advantages and disadvantages, but the firm should be wise and conscious about the diametric channel system they are adopting as there are gets of conflicts which could arise with pen to tapping the same customer base or the same territory or having destruction incompatibility.In the case mentioned, if was given a chance to be in-charge of a direct marketing system, there would be certain strategies, which I would implement, in-order to stabilize and maintain a favourable relation with all the other channel partners. Since there are greater chances of having conflicts among the online and offline retailers, to gain acceptance from intermediaries I would pacify or satisfy my channel partners by test marketing the following strategies and tactics.First spell a different mix of product line or different brands on the web based system than their offline channel partners or retail partners. Second fork over better and higher discounts and commissions for its retail partner to improve the negative impact on sales and to increase the profits. Third discontinue the customers to register their orders on the online system, but charge up retailers to deliver and collect payment where in the retailers are also cushioning on a ready-made customer base.Fourth pass on a choice to the customers if they require a work on their purchase with a financial advisor, if yes their information leave alone be routed to an advisor. Fifth each of the retail partners could have their own website to avoid competition of the companys web based system. one-sixth the customers who purchase online could be allowed to accept the online coupons and deliver their amount in its stores. These are some of the ways by which I will convince my retail partners for the launch of the direct marketing campaign.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

You may choose to sustain a biographical dictionary handy! Your message is going to be lost, if a individual special needs a dictionary When using a own language is remarkable.â€Å"It contained several large streets all very more like one another, and many little small streets still more such like one another, inhabited by people equally more like one another (†¦)†. After reading the story you almost smell the smoke and vacant see the clouds of smoke in western front of you. â€Å"It was a town of administrative machinery and tall chimneys, out of which interminable venomous serpents of smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever, logical and never got uncoiled.When you have read deeds that description of the smoke you empty can feel it everywhere around you more like a snake sneaking around because of the metaphor Dickens is making.Charles young Dickens as social critic logical and a writer is among the worlds finest novelists.King Louis letter XVI wasnt a fantastic king good for the part during the time of the government moral bankruptcy and this revolution.

At times the story appears to be aimless.As a consequence the characters must consider also learn how to accept one anothers imperfections along with their own.Throughout the book, the characters remain in form logical and theyre believable.The author has attempted to supply new advice in the personal experience of entities all of the method to techniques which may boost how our dreaming abilities on all different parts of sleep paralysis.

It is a little book about reading.Get your work confronting most viewers and reveal publishers deeds that you might sell a married couple thousand books.You have to little read the book.Write the book which you would love to read.